Compliance & Process Management

The Smart Care Facility Platform Constantly Monitors and Improves Processes in Real-Time and Provides Real-Time Compliance Reporting, Reducing Administrative Burden.

AI-Assisted Automated Processes & Compliance Reporting

AI-Assisted Automated Processes & Compliance Reporting
Smart Spaces can help monitor protocol adherence by tracking and analyzing operations and clinical activities, ensuring that they meet established standards and maintain compliance.

Real-Time Automated Audits in Patient Rooms Left Arrow

Instead of manual time-consuming audits in patient rooms, Always-Aware ambient sensors track core-processes in real-time, for one-click compliance reporting.

Automated Sanitation ComplianceLeft Arrow

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a new importance on the sanitization of care settings. ambient sensors provide real-time feedback and documentation, helping to maintain the highest standards of compliance.

Customized Protocol AdherenceLeft Arrow

Improving adherence through manual recurrent training, especially for novel or specialized processes, can be arduous and time-consuming. automates workflow training and can be customized based on your organization’s needs.

Automated Process ImprovementLeft Arrow

In addition to automated Audit functionality, the AI and Ambient Sensors provide real-time feedback and mentoring to care teams to ensure compliance adherence is being maintained.

System Wide Automated Real-Time Compliance Audits

System Wide Automated Real-Time Compliance Audits
By analyzing trends and patterns across the entire health system, the command center can provide real-time compliance status and automatically train process imporvement across the health system.

Centralized Compliance MonitoringLeft Arrow

Instead of burdensome manual compliance audits across your healthcare system, now healthcare managers can easily see real-time compliance status in each facility.

Interfacility Best Practice SharingLeft Arrow

Best practices from high-performing facilities can now be autonomously trained in your other facilities using AI process improvement and reminders sent to care team smart devices.

Performance BenchmarkingLeft Arrow

By collecting and comparing data from multiple facilities, the command center can identify best practices, highlight areas for improvement, and offer insights into how each facility performs relative to the others, and the AI can automatically train continuous improvement and standardization.

Ready To Transform Your Care Facility?

Learn how’s transformative innovations can help your organization autonomously optimize the patient experience, while creating a safer and more efficient care environment.

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Schedule a demo to learn how® uses transformational AI to automate burdensome tasks, optimize workforces and create the safest care environment.

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