Smart Hospital

Support Smart Care Teams and Patients Every Hour of Every Day with the Leading Ambiently-Aware Artificial Intelligence Platform and Re-Imagined Virtual Care Workflows.

Empower your Smart Care Teams with 24/7 AI-Assisted Ambient Monitoring so that they know what is happening inside your Smart Hospital. With constant access to relevant information, healthcare teams can make quicker, more informed decisions, reducing response times and potential risks. By unifying ambient intelligence with new virtual models of care, AI-Assisted Smart Spaces are providing new optimized and automated workflows that help deliver more proactive moments of timely care.

Ambient Intelligent Smart Spaces Support Clinicians

Ambient Intelligent Smart Spaces Support Clinicians
By adding Always-Aware Ambient Sensors across your Smart Hospital, transformed monitored spaces into Smart Spaces. Bedside clinicians, Smart Care Teams, and operations teams are better informed and coordinated by the same real-time ambient data, allowing for swifter responses.
Learn more about Ambient Intelligent Sensors Right Arrow

Monitor Patients & ProcessesLeft Arrow

Ambient intelligent sensors tirelessly monitor patients and vital processes within your Smart Hospital. Now, your clinicians have an AI partner that is vigilantly looking for potential problems before they arise.

Smart Care Team CoordinationLeft Arrow

Whether it’s scheduling processes or dispatching immediate medical assistance, the synchronization between AI and ambient sensing streamlines operations, minimizes human error and leads to a more responsive and cohesive healthcare environment.

Enhanced Safety with Predictive AnalyticsLeft Arrow

By identifying patterns and correlations, predictive models can alert healthcare providers to potential risks before they become critical, allowing for timely intervention and thus contributing to a safer and more proactive care environment.

Improve ProcessesLeft Arrow

AI and ambient sensing improve processes by automating and optimizing tasks, analyzing real-time data for efficiency, and enabling precise monitoring and control, reducing human error and enhancing overall operational workflow.

AI-Assisted Virtual Care Is Built In

AI-Assisted Virtual Care Is Built In
When it comes to Virtual Care, healthcare needs a truly transformative solution that is built to scale. At, our platform and sensors enable new, more efficient, virtually supported workflows.

Reduce Agency Spend Build a Smart Care Team CultureLeft Arrow

Now, you can meet the challenges of workforce shortages by building your Smart Care Team Culture and removing the inefficiencies that are causing burnout and excessive agency spend.

New Smart Care Team Virtual WorkflowsLeft Arrow

Smart Care Teams benefit from shared access to AI-supported workflows, with timely reminders, alerts and checklists assigned to the appropriate personnel, optimizing outcomes and patient experience.

A Second Nurse in the SuiteLeft Arrow

Virtual Nurses can support bedside nurses and expedite tasks, like admission, discharge, documentation, patient monitoring, education, precepting and compliance reporting.

AI Assistance & Natural Language Processing Left Arrow

Nurses can activate AI assistance via voice command and initiate multi-stream video for family calls, care team consultations, language translation, transcription for calls and clinician direction.

Improved Clinician & Patient Experience Left Arrow

AI-Assisted Virtual Care enables more consistent and timely high-touch patient interactions, creating better relationships between caregivers and patients and improved quality scores.

AI-Assisted Compliance, Automated Processes

AI-Assisted Virtual Care Is Built In
AI and Always-Aware Ambient Sensors can help monitor protocol adherence by tracking and analyzing operations and clinical activities, ensuring that they meet established standards, and automatically alerting staff or adjusting processes to maintain compliance with regulations.

Monitor & Improve Processes in Real-TimeLeft Arrow sensors monitor and improve processes in real-time by continuously collecting and analyzing clinical and operational processes, allowing for instant adjustments and optimizations that enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Customized Protocol AdherenceLeft Arrow

Improving adherence through manual recurrent training, especially for novel or specialized processes, can be arduous and time-consuming. Even well-established procedures will drift with staff turnover and new hires. With the Smart Care Facility Platform, automated workflow training can be customized based on your organization’s needs with reminders and feedback designed to support and reinforce your protocol adherence objectives.

A Second Nurse in the SuiteLeft Arrow

Virtual Nurses can support bedside nurses and expedite tasks, like admission, discharge, documentation, patient monitoring, education, precepting and compliance reporting.

Streamline Operations Left Arrow helps automatically streamline operations in a Smart Care Facility by integrating and analyzing data from ambient sensors, operations systems, clinical systems and patient journey progress, enabling efficient resource allocation, timely response to patient needs, and optimized workflow, all contributing to enhanced care delivery and cost savings.

Ready To Transform Your Care Facility?

Learn how’s transformative innovations can help your organization autonomously optimize the patient experience, while creating a safer and more efficient care environment.

Let’s Talk Let’s Talk Let’s Talk

Schedule a demo to learn how® uses transformational AI to automate burdensome tasks, optimize workforces and create the safest care environment.

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