AI-Assisted Virtual Care

Smart From the Start Virtual Care Solutions on the World’s Most Advanced Smart Care Facility Platform and Always-Aware Ambient Sensors.

In a Smart Care Facility, bedside clinicians, virtual healthcare providers and technicians are all connected through real-time ambient data, allowing for swifter responses.

AI-Assisted Virtual Care in Smart Patient Rooms

AI-Assisted Virtual Care in Smart Patient Rooms
Sensors in a Smart Patient Room include integrated virtual care capabilities enabling new modes of care, like AI-Assisted Virtual Nursing.
Learn more about AI-Assisted Virtual Nursing Capabilities Right Arrow

Enhance Patient Experience Left Arrow

Virtual care enables more consistent and timely high-touch patient interactions, creating better relationships between caregivers and patients and improved quality scores.

Get Real-Time AwarenessLeft Arrow

Smart Care Teams know where their attention is most needed based on clinical and operational conditions in their facility. Alerts are sent directly to their own smart devices.

Instant Access to SpecialistsLeft Arrow

Avoid time-intensive on-site visits for specialists by offering a more efficient way for your top clinical talent to work at the top of their licenses.

Smart Care Team Coordination

Unify Clinical and Operations teams on the Smart Care Facility Platform.

Ready To Transform Your Care Facility?

Learn how’s transformative innovations can help your organization autonomously optimize the patient experience, while creating a safer and more efficient care environment.

Let’s Talk Let’s Talk Let’s Talk

Schedule a demo to learn how® uses transformational AI to automate burdensome tasks, optimize workforces and create the safest care environment.

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